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Chinese translation for "focusing glass"

[screen] 【摄影】调焦距用的毛玻璃。

Related Translations:
foci:  n.focus 的复数。
focus:  n.(pl. focuses, foci )1.【物理学】焦点。2.【物理学】焦距;聚焦,对焦点,配光,对光。3.(活动兴趣等的)中心。4.【医学】病灶。5.(地震的)震源。短语和例子the focus of the world's attention 世界注意的中心。 principal focus 【物理学】主焦点。 real [true] focus 【物理学】实焦点
focus electrode:  【无线电】聚焦电极。
secondary foci:  共轭焦点。
Example Sentences:
1.6 the zn3n2 is prepared on focus glass substrate at low temperature . and for the first time , a p - zno with a carrier density of 1017 ? cm - 3 is obtained by thermal zn3n2 in an oxygen ambient
5 、用等离子体增强的化学汽相沉积的方法制备了zn3n2薄膜,首次通过热氧化zn3n2的方法,制备出了受主型载流子浓度为1017cm - 3的p - zno薄膜。
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